Thursday 15 December 2011



Q3) Audience Feedback

I created a mood board of a The Only Way Is Essex audience profile. We decided that the typical The  Only Way Is Essex viewer are 16-25 year olds, who were in touch with social media, celebrity lifestyle, fashion, technology and party/clubbing culture.

We tried to incorporate this audience profile, into the script, costumes and props.

Our audience feedback went as follows:

Final: "The scene where Luke is asking Dan about passing his test, the audio needs to rise and the music dippen."
"Title cards need to be added"
Comment: I have noticed that in certain places the dialouge needs to be dipped slightly and the music needs rising. I have not yet added title cards due to the other half of our group is producing the ancillarys, therefore once they have finished i will be using the poster as my title card.

2nd Draft: "The clips are too long, not sharp enough."
Comment: I didnt notice that the clips were too long, however comparing it back to the existing soaps i researched i then realised they need to be cut back down. I noticed i needed to match the music up to when Luke is singing,therefore i improved this straight away.

1st Draft: "The music does not fit in with the editing and the clip where Luke is singing, also the scene where Luke and Dan do not have tan on doesn't fit in with the rest of the trailer"
 Comment: I didnt notice that the clip didn't fit in-owever i did think the music didn't fit in propely.

"Its so funny!"
"Many of the shot ypes make it seem as if your actually there."
"It looks like it could be an actual genuine soap."
"I like the song choice, it fits in really well.


Planning for billboard poster

This is the sketch of our billboard poster we designed. This wasnt compulsary, yet we decided to make it look as if it was on a billboard to see what it would look like.

Storyboard for trailer

These are the storyboards we sketched to help us remind of the scenes we are filming. We cut each scene down into the main scenes which will occur.

Planning for TV magazine

This is a sketch of the tv mag we will be producing. We will be featuring three of the charcters on the cover, with Dan in the middle and Alice and Emma either side. We will be featuring a main feature about our soap,as well as other soaps on the left hand side.We will be featuring a strapline to show that the mag is best for Sky and Virgin.

Planning for billboard poster

This is my sketch of my billboard poster. We will be using a artificial Louis Vuitton background to create a connotation of false wealth. Our characters will be positioned next to one another, anchoring the main characters together. The 'REEM' at the top will be the colour gold, and to continue brand identity, the crown will be placed on top of the 'R'.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Choosing a song-(title is link)

Song Choice 1-Stryderman-Tinchy Stryder

The girlfriend taker,
The boyfriends hate me,
All i gotta do is drop a double girl one liner,
And if not minor the necklace will blind her,
Them other dudes cant do it like me,
Prada boots with the new armani.

Why I like it:

I like this song because of the steady,repetitive beats. The lyrics are also good because they are basically about a male boasting about how he is able to get any girl he wants- which is stereotypially 'Essex boys'.
Why I dont like it:
I however was unsure of using this song because i felt it just simply wasnt 'Essex' enough. The lyrics are not strong enough for a parody.

Song Choice 2-Reem-Joey Essex

I wanna look reem,
I wanna smell reem,
I wanna be reem,

I wanna look reem,
I wanna smell reem,
i wanna be reem,

Why I like it:
I like this song because it was ideal for the parody of Essex, due to the over used word 'reem', and having calling my soap 'Reem', this was perfect.
Why I dont like it:
I don't like this song because i feel it isnt heavy enough in terms of the beats and the rythym of the music itself, it's too light.

Song Choice 3-Sexy And I Know It-LMFAO


When I walk in the spot,
this is what I see,
Everybody stops and they staring at me,
I got passion in my pants and I ain't afraid to show it.

I'm sexy and I know it
I'm sexy and I know it

Why I like it:
I like this song choice because it fits in perfectly with my parody. My trailer and the soap itself is all about being big-headed,confident,loud and perfect. These lyrics are made for the trailer, the beating and the rythym to the song itself its fast pace, which matches up with the snippit shots in my trailer.
Why I chose it:
I chose this song choice because it was the one which fitted in best with my trailer.The combination of the lyrics and the beats were ideal.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

The Only Way Is Not Essex

This spoof made by a Youtube member has given us a few ideas, having seeing a real parody of The Only Way Is Essex,has shown the conventions we need to get accross to the audience. I have learnt in order to make a parody, all you need is to use the typical conventions and storylines from the soap your mimicing, but exaggerate it a lot more!

Monday 14 November 2011

Ancillary Soap Magazines

The TV Easy magazines feature a lot of bright, tacky like colours. They use a large number of different colours, up to around 10 different colours. They feature one big heading which is in your face and very over the top, they seem too sum the cover star's storyline/life up. They are very dramatic and say it how it is. There are buttons on the side of the cover with an image of a character in with a brief phrase/caption of what has happened or what is happening to that character. Banners are also used at the top of the page, which is a typical feature.The cover stars themselves have very cheesy facial expressions, and look as if they're up to no good. As my magazine is going to be a parody, TV Easy is a good magazine to parody because of how tacky it already is.

Monday 7 November 2011

The Only Way Is Essex

This trailer is something which we wish to refer to-this itself is a parody trailer, because 'anything can happen on The Only Way Is Essex'. We have took a few ideas from this trailer,for example the scene where Joey Essex is doing his hair, the girls and boys getting ready, which is meeting the conventions of this soap.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Soap Poster

This is a practice poster for my ancillary. I have used the typical conventions using e4 branding and a clear action shot.

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Coronation Street Trailer Practice

  • The first skill I gained from producing this trailer was learning to use the cameras. When I began shooting, I had a play around with the camera first in order to get used to it. Learning to use the zoom function and remembering to pause between shots was difficult, yet I still manage to do it.

  • Throughout the trailer, I used a vaiety of shots. I did not use an establishing shot, when I should have, however recognising I didn't use this shot will remind me to use it in my actual soap trailer. I used a pull focus, which worked extremely well, looking very proffessional.

  • My trailer meets soap opera conventions in many ways. I have used the typical shot types, strong familiar storylines in which people can relate to, and title cards which give hints to the audience about the soap.

  • If I were to shoot the footage again, I would take more time and care with the production as the scenes didn't flow as well as I wanted them too. I would of also recorded the sound maybe differently or filmed in a less noisy area due to background noise.

  • During the production of this trailer, using iMovie benefitted me a great amount because this was the software I will be using for my actual soap trailer. I became familiar to the software very quickly.

  • In order to upload the video to YouTube, I was required to make an account. I then simply uploaded it from iMovie.

Monday 26 September 2011

Corronation Street Storyboard

Corronation Street Storyboard
View more presentations from alicejane1994.

This is the storyboard we used to produce our soap opera practice trailer. We chose this storyboard because it had a wide variety of shot types and a strong,common storyline. We had to look very carefully each individual shot, which is why i produced this powerpoint in order to use it when shooting so we know exactly the shot types.